
  • Muhammad Semman Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin


Keywords: Dialectics, Banjar Customary Law, Baendam Tradition


This research analyzes the dialectic between Islamic inheritance law and the customary law of the Banjar community in the distribution of inheritance. Islamic law through the farāidh system provides strict rules regarding the distribution of inheritance, while the Banjar community often prioritizes family deliberation to reach an agreement that is considered fair. This approach reflects the application of Islamic law in line with the principles of al-ṣulḥ (peace) and māqashid syarī'ah, namely substantive justice and social welfare. However, this practice also shows the significant influence of Banjar customs, which in some cases can deviate from the provisions of farāidh.  This peace practice shows that Banjar customs still play an important role in creating family harmony and avoiding conflict, even though they sometimes produce Rahmat that deviates from the provisions of farāidh. This can be accepted in line with the principle of māqashid syarī'ah, namely maintaining substantive justice and social welfare.



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