Kata Kunci: Bausung, Pengantin, Banjar, Hukum Islam.Abstract
This article discusses the Bausung Pengantin Tradition in the Banjar Community. This research is included in qualitative research with data collection carried out through library research by referring to books, journals and other scientific works. This study aims to analyze the Bausung Pegantin Tradition in the Community reviewed from Islamic Law. The Bausung Pengantin tradition is one of the unique processions in Banjar traditional weddings in South Kalimantan, where the bride and groom are carried on their shoulders by two men. Despite the potential risks, this tradition is still carried out as a form of respect for ancestors and as a symbol of social status. From the perspective of Islamic Law, this tradition does not contradict as long as its implementation does not damage the conditions and principles of marriage. This research also highlights the benefits caused, including cultural preservation and increased public enthusiasm for marriage. Bausung Pengantin functions as a medium of communication between generations and remains relevant in today's social context.
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