
  • Siti Rahmah Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin


Kata Kunci: Dampak Psikologis, Tukar Peran Suami Istri


This article discusses the psychological impact of swapping the roles of husband and wife in the household. This research is included in qualitative research with data collection carried out through library reviews by referring to books, journals and other scientific works. Then the author uses studies that distinguish between male and female psychology as material for analysis of the problems studied. The purpose of this study is to analyze the psychological impact due to the exchange of roles of husband and wife in the household so that it is necessary to understand the psychological characteristics of men and women before marriage and divide their respective roles. The results of this research say that psychologically, men and women are indeed different, both cognitively, affective, and psychomotor. This difference is often one of the sources of conflict in the household. In addition, there are also differences motivated by life experiences, parenting, education, culture, and religious behavior, which of course are challenges in domestic life. Men are synonymous with firmness and strength while women are mostly given a gentle and affectionate attitude. Psychologically, women tend to be more sensitive and have very delicate feelings, while men tend to be more indifferent and less sensitive. First, if a married couple understands the psychological differences between them, then the husband and wife will understand each other, apply gender equality in their relationship, and achieve emotional balance. Second, on the other hand, if the married couple does not know the psychological differences between them, it will have an impact on social pressure, husband and wife feel that they have lost their identity, and the emergence of conflicts in the household.



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