Kata Kunci: Interaksi, Hukum Adat, Hukum Islam.Abstract
This article discusses the interaction between customary law and Islamic law. This research is included in qualitative research with data collection carried out through library reviews by referring to books, journals and other scientific works. The purpose of this study is to analyze the interaction between customary law and Islamic law because customary law and Islamic law are different legal systems where they have different sources, properties, and scopes. The results of this study say that the interaction of Islamic law and customary law is interpreted differently, namely the relationship between Islamic law and customary law is a contradiction. Each of these legal concepts with the attributes of the tools attached to them will continue to try to maintain the characteristics that have been attached to each of these legal concepts for a long time. Then the interaction of Islamic law and Customary law as a dialogical and harmonious relationship. This is because customary law is essentially an open tradition, allowing for an exchange between the two laws. between the two is seen more as a means of perfecting the custom itself.
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