The Influence of Brand Awareness on Purchasing Decisions of NU Berkah Drinking Water Products
With a focus on the NU Berkah brand, the study's goal was to investigate how brand awareness influences consumers' decisions to buy bottled drinking water products. This study's research method is quantitative. The sampling process made use of purposeful sampling. There were 99 responders in all to this survey. Respondents were men and women in Indonesia between the ages of 17 and 57 who consume water in bottles bearing the NU Berkah brand. To gather primary data, the data source used Google Forms to send questionnaires. highly disagree, disagree, agree, and highly agree were the response criteria for closed-ended questions in this study. Partial Least Squares was the data analysis technique employed with the SmartPLS tool version The study's conclusions show that customer decisions to buy are positively and significantly impacted by brand awareness.