Implementation of Off The Job and On The Job Training in Human Resource Planning and Development


  • Mardiana Putri Oktavia Universitas Dian Nusantara
  • Wenny Desty Febrian Universitas Dian Nusantara
  • Lingga Yuliana Universitas Paramadina


The purpose of this study is to identify Off the Job and On The Job Training methods and their implementation in Human Resource Planning and Development with a case study of Multi Solusi Toolsindo Company. Qualitative descriptive is used in this study. Using primary data with interview methods, involving employees working at PT Multi Solusi Toolsindo. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of Off The Job and On The Job Training can improve employee performance in terms of adjusting to digitalization needs, increasing technological competence, productivity showing a better direction, increasing operational efficiency and increasing adaptability. Managerial implementation in this study is that companies need to be adaptive in providing training to both old and new employees. This aims for employees to gain insight that is in accordance with the working conditions they are carrying out. So that errors that occur can be minimized and prevent losses for the company.







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